import pyodbc as po import json import base64 import time import shutil import datetime from pathlib import Path with open("./config/config.json") as json_data_file: config = json.load(json_data_file) server = config['Server'] database = config['Database'] username = config['DBUser'] password = config['DBPassword'] ServerSIR = config['ServerSIR'] DatabaseSIR = config['DatabaseSIR'] UsernameSIR = config['DBUserSIR'] PasswordSIR = config['DBPasswordSIR'] ACKPathFiles = config['ACKPathFiles'] RepositoryArchivoElectronicoOficial = config['RepositoryArchivoElectronicoOficial'] def GetMFile(Referencia): MFile='' try: cnxn = po.connect( "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + ServerSIR + ";DATABASE=" + DatabaseSIR + ";UID=" + UsernameSIR + ";PWD=" + PasswordSIR ) cursor = cnxn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT P.sReferencia, p.Archivo, P.Aduana, P.Patente, P.Pedimento, P.[Pedimento Fecha Pago], Peds.nTipoCambio, P.Clave FROM SIR.Admin.SIR_VT_PedimPagados P INNER JOIN SIR.SIR.SIR_149_PEDIMENTO AS Peds ON Peds.nIdPedimento149=ID WHERE P.ClienteClave=2096 and p.[Pedimento FechaPago]>=CAST( GETDATE()-2 AS Date ) and sReferencia='23-00253I'""") for row in cursor: Pedimento = time.strftime("%y", time.localtime())+'-'+row[2]+'0-'+row[3]+'-'+row[4] PaymentDate = row[5] ExchangeRate = row[6] CustomFillingCode = row[7] Referencia = row[0] MFile = row[1] print('Se encontro un registro que conincide con la ocurrence') DestinyFile = ACKPathFiles+MFile print('Pedimento='+Pedimento) today = YEAR = today.year shutil.copy2(RepositoryArchivoElectronicoOficial + str(YEAR) + '/' + Referencia + '/' + MFile, DestinyFile) path_to_file = DestinyFile path = Path(path_to_file) if path.is_file(): with open(DestinyFile, "r") as file: MFileBase64 ='utf-8') MFileBase64 = base64.b64encode(MFileBase64) SidelinePath = GetFilePath(Referencia, 'SIDELINE') GlosaPath = GetFilePath(Referencia, 'GLOSA') AcknowledgementPath = GetFilePath(Referencia, 'Acknowledgement') with open(SidelinePath, 'r') as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace('?Pedimento?', Pedimento) filedata = filedata.replace('?ExchangeRate?', str(ExchangeRate)) with open(SidelinePath, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) with open(GlosaPath, 'r') as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace('?Pedimento?', Pedimento) filedata = filedata.replace('?ExchangeRate?', str(ExchangeRate)) with open(GlosaPath, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'r') as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace('', '') filedata = filedata.replace('?Pedimento?', Pedimento) filedata = filedata.replace('?CustomFillingCode?', CustomFillingCode) filedata = filedata.replace('?PaymentDate?', str(PaymentDate)[:10]) filedata = filedata.replace('?ExchangeRate?', str(ExchangeRate)) filedata = filedata.replace('?ArchivoM?', MFileBase64.decode('utf-8')) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) else: print('El archivo M no existe, por lo tanto no se pueden procesar los archivos ACK, estan incompletos') except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e) finally: cnxn.close() def GetFilePath(Referencia,mode): try: cnxn = po.connect( "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + server + ";DATABASE=" + database + ";UID=" + username + ";PWD=" + password ) cursor = cnxn.cursor() storedProc = """\ SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @RC int; EXEC @RC = [GEMCO].dbo.[Clientes.Amazon.ACKs.Generate] @Referencia = ?; SELECT @RC AS rc;""" params = (Referencia) cursor.execute(storedProc, params) rc = cursor.fetchval() cnxn.commit() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM [Clientes.Amazon.ACKFiles]') for row in cursor: if row[2] == 'SIDELINE' and 'SIDELINE'==mode: FilePath = row[3] if row[2] == 'GLOSA' and 'GLOSA'==mode: FilePath = row[3] if row[2] == 'Acknowledgement' and 'Acknowledgement' == mode: FilePath = row[3] except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e) finally: cnxn.close() return FilePath def CreateACKs(Referencia): try: cnxn = po.connect( "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + server + ";DATABASE=" + database + ";UID=" + username + ";PWD=" + password ) cursor = cnxn.cursor() storedProc = """\ SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @RC int; EXEC @RC = [GEMCO].dbo.[Clientes.Amazon.ACKs.Generate] @Referencia = ?; SELECT @RC AS rc;""" params = (Referencia) cursor.execute(storedProc, params) rc = cursor.fetchval() cnxn.commit() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM [Clientes.Amazon.ACKFiles]') for row in cursor: if row[2] == 'SIDELINE': SidelinePath = row[3] SidelineDocumentId = row[4] SidelineUniqueReferenceId = row[5] if row[2] == 'GLOSA': GlosaPath = row[3] GlosaDocumentId = row[4] GlosaUniqueReferenceId = row[5] if row[2] == 'Acknowledgement': AcknowledgementPath = row[3] with open(SidelinePath, "r") as file: SidelineBase64 ='utf-8') SidelineBase64 = base64.b64encode(SidelineBase64) with open(GlosaPath, "r") as file: GlosaBase64 ='utf-8') GlosaBase64 = base64.b64encode(GlosaBase64) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'r') as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace( '?SidelineContent?', SidelineBase64.decode('utf-8')) filedata = filedata.replace('?SidelineDocId?', SidelineDocumentId) filedata = filedata.replace( '?SidelineUniqueRef?', SidelineUniqueReferenceId) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'r') as file: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace( '?GlosaContent?', GlosaBase64.decode('utf-8')) filedata = filedata.replace('?GlosaDocId?', GlosaDocumentId) filedata = filedata.replace( '?GlosaUniqueRef?', GlosaUniqueReferenceId) with open(AcknowledgementPath, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e) finally: cnxn.close() return AcknowledgementPath GetMFile('23-00253I') CreateACKs('23-00253I')